'Oinez ikasi orduko, hegan egiten ahantzi' Anari


yes, chu-kan // but do you want to?

(Yes you want, yes you want...) Alright, so Chukan Testo -Midterm Test- is almost here... again. Some 200 kanjis -Chinese ideograms- and 4 lessons of bunpo -grammar- are trying to look appealing to me from the school bag... again. Sticking their long necks out of the bag, taking hold of the edge with their long thin claws, following my every movement through the room with their huge round watery eyes... again.

I suspect I'll keep pushing them away, turning my face from the spoon, pressing my lips together, refusing to take in the porridge of knowledge until the very last moment as usual... again, again, again.

Actually I AM studying. No, seriously, no, SERIOUSLY, NO, I AM. I'm doubtful lately. I he-he-he-hesitate. That girl changed everything. What? Changed? Enough of this shit and back to the kanjis!


Histeria said...

"Enough of this shit and back to the kanjis!"

Debería decir lo mismo. Enough of this shit and back to... design? :)


forks said...

O día que lle perdas o medo cágase a cadela.

forks said...

E tamén poderías darlle ó blog e desfogarte, que me escribes moi ben, minha neninha.


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