'Oinez ikasi orduko, hegan egiten ahantzi' Anari


rice salad with natural fresh eggs

Basques are known for many things -unknown for many more-, one of them being their cuisine. Basque Cuisine is arguably one of the best in the world, actually, tell me, where else in the world could you find 22 Michelin stars in a territory of 20.664 km² and 3 million people? I am a Basque, so basically anything I cook is instantaneously Basque Cuisine, even cereals with milk.

Today I want to share with you one of my inventions: my rice salad with natural fresh eggs. You might find some similarities with my other reknown creations such as 'pasta salad with natural fresh cheese', 'euskalherria maccaroni', 'chocolate onigiri', 'ciapatta delight' -also known as 'recycled gone hard bread'-  and 'konbini frozen pizza with natural fresh egg'. As you see natural fresh egg plays an important role in my recipes. If you follow these simple steps, you'll be able to indulge yourself with one of these delicious delicatessen that include the natural fresh egg, as mentioned before, rice salad with natural fresh eggs -or egg, if you're not that hungry-.

Step 1

Basque Cuisine is based on natural products so go get some eggshell powder. If you haven't got any or if you don't know where to buy it, just use an egg's shell and shred it like I did.

Plant in a well ventilated place with lots of natural light and water it everyday. For every hole you dig, you will get one egg.

In a couple of weeks, depending on the weather and the amount of direct sunlight the pot gets and IF you water it everyday, you'll see the first results -direct sunlight and water are especially capital as they directly influence the growth of the eggs-.

Eggs grow at two different paces. One morning you will wake up to a more or less half of an egg showing up above the earth, then it will take approximately some other two weeks for it to pop out completely.

Step 2

When the egg -or eggs depending on the amount of holes dug- pops out completely you can start preparing the rest of the ingredients. Cut some onion, cucumber and tomato (that I didn't have at the time). Add shreded nori, sweet corn (ditto), tuna (or crab) and sultanas. Mix carelessly.

Cover said ingredients with cheese (any cheese you like or happen to have around). Don't be stingy, make it cheesy.

Add freshly boiled rice for the cheese to melt.


While the cheese is melting fry the egg(s) in olive oil. An alternative and healthier option is puting the eggs in the rice cooker 5 to 10 minutes after the rice is already cooked. Put the eggs on top of the rice.


How to eat

This meal doesn't need any seasoning really, but I like to eat it with mayonaise as I like to break the yolks with bread and eat them before I head for the rest. But if you mix it altogether it is also delicious, the yolks will do as seasoning. I sometimes use the half of one soft avocado to mix the whole thing -I call it 'green rice salad with natural fresh eggs' when I do that 'cos it's all green-. You can obviously use any other seasoning you like. Mix thoroughly this time and...



This recipe can be shared and used under Creative Commons, which means that if you cook it for yourself you have to thank me for the food as well as if you cook it and share it with others. Others also have to thank me for the food even if they don't believe in me, as a sign of respect.

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