'Oinez ikasi orduko, hegan egiten ahantzi' Anari





  • 人種差別と差別はまだ日本でも一般的です
  • 日本は20年前に労働者を受け入れ始めたが、まだ移民の権利保護を提供するための法律を採用していない
  • 日本政府は移民とその子供たちの人権を保護するための多くの課題に対応していない
  •  多くの場合移民の苦情は警察によって、拒否されました
  • 移民が差別を受けることなく、住宅、教育、健康の観点から共生できる社会制度作ることが必要
  • これまで外国人労働者の保護政策に失敗しました















le choix, fromage de vélo

Parfait sur un morceau de pneumatique vieux avec un peu d'huile de voiture. Bon appétit!


dance with julian, sing with jan

Do it today, tomorrow it might be late.


Hey, it has been a long six months
I've been hearing you went wrong
You were always in my head

Babe, now I see it in your eyes
I can see through all the lies
You want me in your bed

We'll sing Buble, we'll sing Queen
And all the songs in between
Won't you come sing with me?

I'll pretend some random meet
Mornings by coffee machines
'Til you come sing with me

You see, you don't conceal it well
You're a dog and I'm the smell
You follow me behind

And I, I'm not better than you are
I'm a filthy dirty rug
I just want this to shine

We'll sing Buble, we'll sing Queen
And all the songs in between
Won't you come sing with me?

I'll pretend some random meet
Mornings by coffee machines
'Til you come sing with me

Aye, it has been the longest month
Since I came back you're my songs
There's nothing I can do

And you, pulling that you're made of ice
You want to put on that disguise
But there's nothing you can do

We'll sing Buble, we'll sing Queen
And all the songs in between
Won't you come sing with me?

I'll pretend some random meet
Mornings by coffee machines
'Til you come sing with me

We'll sing Buble, we'll sing Queen
And all the songs in between
Won't you come sing with me?

We can order some more beer
Karaoke'll set you free
Closer now, dance with me


sumida of mine

A song about people and places I miss/love.

  Sumida of Mine by Jan Niemand

Flow, flow Sumida of mine
and go around the world.
Say hi, hi to old friends of mine:
Spree, Thames, Ibaizabal.

If you find the time go to Gibraltar
and see what's cooking, alright?
Don't mind the knock, turn left when you're inside
and tell her that I still like
the way the sky pours down on her the light,
the smell of salt at times,
her cry for help and me turning my back.
Sorry, she had to grow up.

As for my mates, tell them that I'm fine
though beers they don't taste the same.
Ich liebe euch ta maite zaituztet
but I'm forgetting your names.

Flow, flow Sumida of mine
and go around the world.
Say hi, hi to old friends of mine:
fox, white shark, pottoka.

If you find the time go to Henties Baai,
the beach is long and it's wild.
Don't be afraid, the Himbas are alright,
tell them that I still like
the smell, the smell, the smell of salt
of salt, of salt at times,
her cry, cr-cry, her cry for help
and me turning my back.

As for my mates tell them that I'm fine
though beers they don't taste the same.
I found new friends and I'm doing great
but don't you forget my name
please don't you forget my name
don't, don't fo-forget my name.


stopBanque // run with your money, run for your life

Nik bezala, agian ez duzu bankuan diru askorik izango, baina Abenduak 7an denok diru guztia, daukaguna daukagula, kontutik ateratzen badugu, zerbait aldatzen hasteko aukera litzateke agian.


nahaspilak argia dakar (quina gràcia)

Nahasmena hil honetako Grazia aldizkariak dakarrena. Hizkuntza ikasketen inguruko erreportai batetan parte hartzeko eskatu zidaten eta baietz esan nien. Euskaraz eta gazteleraz 頑張って nola esaten den galdetu zidaten eta eskatu bezala esan nien. Baina nahastu egin dira. Nahastu egin dira aldizkarikoak eta ziurrenik nahastuko dituzte gaztelera ikasten ari diren japoniar gixajoak. Aldizkari hau irakurtzen dutenak behintzat bai, lehen 'Animo' edo 'Adelante' zena, aurrerantzean 'Aurrera bolie' bait da. 'Eutsi' ere eman nien, baina dirudienez aukeran 'Aurrera bolie' hobe iruditu zitzaien, ahozkatzeko errazago akaso.

Bestalde, nazionalitatea azaltzen dutenean, 'euskal estatu autonomo'ko euskalduna naizela eta parentesi artean 'gaur eguneko Espainia' diote. Hiru inplikazio ditu honek, bata, espainiar edo frantziar hiritartasunetik at euskal hiritarasuna aitortzen dutela Japonian, aldizkari hau argitaratzen dutenek bederen. Bigarrena, 'gaur eguneko Espainia' badiote, aurreko Espainian ez geundela edo etorkizunekoan egongo ez garela naturaltasunez onartzen da. Eta hirugarrena, 'gaur egungo Espainia'ko euskaldunak existitzen badira, bestelakoak ere badirela, hots, Frantziakoak. Haiek ere 'gaur egunekoak' ote?


employee of the day, part 2

Outro que rexeita un premio e os cartos oficiais por coherencia. E se estamos ante unha nova tendencia?

The Galician writer Agustin Fernandez Paz rejects the Galician Culture Award -and the cash- given to him by the Galician government as a response to this government being the first one in history to pass laws against the Galician language. Just like Santiago Sierra a few days ago, seems like some artists are following their beliefs and not the institutional acknowledgment and money that come with these otherwise thought of as 'prestigious' awards. Good for them, we all know it is not an easy thing to do.

The story of another Galician writer regarding highly regarded awards, the Spanish language literature Nobel Prize Camilo Jose Cela, is very well known. He said the Cervantes Award -considered to be the Spanish Literature Nobel- was covered in shit, meaning it had no value, only to run and grab it when it was given to him.

People like Agustin Fernandez Paz or Santiago Sierra give us all a lesson, although the latter's move might be more of a part on his art speech. Nevertheless, many artists change their speech for 30,000 euro. He didn't, nor has Fernandez Paz.

 Photo by Gustavo Rivas.

You can read more about this in Galician clicking here.

not even kidding

What are they really advertising?


perurena viral

Viral bihurtzen ari den bideo bat gaur. Ziur ikusia duzuela. Bestela ere, on egin.


hodei kabroia

Hodei hau begiratu. Ondo begiratu. Eta gogoratu. Ibai ondoan eguzkitan bazkaldu nahi nuen gaur baina hodei hau agertu, ez dakit nondik agertu ere, eguzkia eta nire artean jarri eta ez da denbora osoan mugitu. Heldu bezala aldegingo zuela uste nuen baina usteak erdia ustel, ez da mugitu. Ez da ezer mugitu. Begiratu beraz hodeia. Eta gogoratu. Ikusten baduzue zeuen bazkari eguzkitsuarenak egin du.


sunset from ebisu + 富士山

tale of two cities or more

Living in a filthy guest house is not always annoying. People leave their droppings -even actual droppings- everywhere but, sometimes it is actually good shit.

One is this one

 But which one is the other one?


röyksopp feat. jan niemand feat. röyksopp feat. jan niemand

Silver Cruise by Röyksopp had no lyrics until Jan Niemand showed us, once again, he has no shame nor respect for anything. Enjoy it if you can, like it if you like, love it if you must.

  Silver Cruise (by Röyksopp) by Jan Niemand

Silver Cruise
Wishing at stars, wishing it all, wishing to fall
Wanting to have what I have not
Well, I do not have what you've got

I can't control for whom I fall
I can't decide for whom I die
You can contrive my peace of mind
It's all ahead and so behind

And still we are wanting it all, wishing to fall
And something more, a silver cruise for me and you

europar mapak aldatzen jarraitzen du

I have a friend living in Ircland where she has many Ircish friends. Not many speak Irclicsh, but all of them like to do Ircish things.


employee of the day

Employee of the Day is Santiago Sierra, for not accepting the National Art Award and its 30,000 euros given to him by the Spanish government and letting the Spanish Culture Minister, Angeles Gonzalez-Sinde, know so:

Dear Ms. Gonzalez-Sinde

I am grateful to the art professionals that remembered and evaluated me in the way they have done. However, in my opinion, the awards are given to who has done a service, such as an employee of the month.It is my wish to express at this time that art has given me a freedom that I am not prepared to resign from. Consequently, my common sense compels me to reject the award. This award manipulates the prestige of the winner
on behalf of the state . A state that cries out for
while resigning on the mandate to work for the common good regardless of which party occupies power. A state participating in an insane war together with a criminal empire. A state that happily donates public money to the banks. A state committed to the dismantling of the welfare state for the benefit of international and local minorities.The state is not we all. The state is you and your friends. Therefore, don't count me among them, because I am a serious artist. No, sirs and madames, Global Tour.Health and freedom!

Santiago Sierra


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