'Oinez ikasi orduko, hegan egiten ahantzi' Anari


employee of the day, part 2

Outro que rexeita un premio e os cartos oficiais por coherencia. E se estamos ante unha nova tendencia?

The Galician writer Agustin Fernandez Paz rejects the Galician Culture Award -and the cash- given to him by the Galician government as a response to this government being the first one in history to pass laws against the Galician language. Just like Santiago Sierra a few days ago, seems like some artists are following their beliefs and not the institutional acknowledgment and money that come with these otherwise thought of as 'prestigious' awards. Good for them, we all know it is not an easy thing to do.

The story of another Galician writer regarding highly regarded awards, the Spanish language literature Nobel Prize Camilo Jose Cela, is very well known. He said the Cervantes Award -considered to be the Spanish Literature Nobel- was covered in shit, meaning it had no value, only to run and grab it when it was given to him.

People like Agustin Fernandez Paz or Santiago Sierra give us all a lesson, although the latter's move might be more of a part on his art speech. Nevertheless, many artists change their speech for 30,000 euro. He didn't, nor has Fernandez Paz.

 Photo by Gustavo Rivas.

You can read more about this in Galician clicking here.


Laura Cunha said...

un só libro deste home fai máis pola cultura galega que sucesivos gobernos de inútiles...
e agora ademais, demostra que é grande como persoa!

forks said...

Destas persoas, gusto de ler libros. Grazas polo link, Lau.


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