'Oinez ikasi orduko, hegan egiten ahantzi' Anari


lost revealed // dharma school of english?

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What's that black smoke? What was that Dharma Initiative doing on the island? What's the island itself? Why and how are the stranded people on the island connected? Who are the others? Is Jacob good? Is the guy in black evil? Who of the two is God if any of the two is anyway? What's Kate's Facebook? Or is it that she's on Myspace? Where did the black kid go? Is he not in the show anymore because his voice changed or did he get addicted to some kind of substance like other child stars such as Drew Barrymore and Brad Renfo? Hey, not everybody is Jodie Foster, it's a tough transition. Penny, Penny, where's Penny? Desmond? Penny? Desmond? Many questions, huh? All of them bullshit compared to what I've just found out.

I haven't seen last night's finale episode yet so I haven't got the answers to these questions although I don't really care about that. You probably saw it and don't know the answers either anyway and you are now more confused than before, so there, sorry about that, mate, but it's only TV. Now, back to my discovery. A discovery that could change the lives of many and save people around the world lots of money.

Just think of this for a second: why is it that Jin, a Korean that speaks not a single word of English, nor does he understand it, ends up speaking perfect English on the island? Why is it that he speaks not Korean but English to his wife, Sun, even in their most intimate moments? Sun's English is also outstanding. Sure she learned it before getting to the island but, considering a guy taught it to her in Seoul hotel rooms in between, during and all around sexual encounters, you will have to admit it is nonetheless startling.

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 'Charlie, I'm ex†remely disapointed, I thought you were British for God's sake!'

Think of Ricardo too. He learnt English with the sole help of a bible written in that language back on the Canary Islands in the 19th century. I suppose he took every chance and free minute he had to learn English and I will also suppose he was incredibly talented as well as full of will and discipline, because he had that same bible with him in jail, meaning that he carried it everywhere and that the jailers had also a minimum command of the tongue of Shakespeare. Otherwise how would they have let him take it to the cell without knowing it was a bible? But most importantly, where did Isabella -I guess they mean Isabel- learn the perfect English she speaks to him? And why, like Sun and Jin, do they speak English to each other?

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Then we have this Roman wench who arrives on the island to give birth to Jacob and his looking-nothing-like-him twin brother. Being Roman she speaks obviously Latin, as so does the woman who, wearing also Roman garments, finds her on the beach. Well, after the pertinent 3 or 4 phrases in their mother tongue, that'd be Latin, they naturally switch to a perfect English. Now how about that! They both know they passed the Cambridge Proficiency Test the moment they met and only by looking at each other in the eye or what? They obviously prefer to communicate in English than in their mother tongue, the problem is there was no English back in those days.

You sure understand by now what I discovered. Many people around the globe struggle to learn English, they suffer because English is important, necessary for they careers, or so they've been told. I say go to Lost Island! You'll be fluent before you know it. No grammar lessons or anything needed, you'll learn just by being on the island. Or maybe there's a Dharma School of English, maybe that's what Dharma is doing on the island, teaching English. You can get killed, I know, but the risk is worth it considering the results, isn’t it? Honestly, it's the best English learning method ever. I have a Taiwanese friend whose English has improven considerably just by watching the show too.

Now, seriously, WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH SUBTITLES US American film industry? You think US American audience can’t read? Doesn’t this explain the view on the world many US Americans have? Just asking! Not really.

Acording to this map Dharma's Language Institute is SE of the island. 

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