'Oinez ikasi orduko, hegan egiten ahantzi' Anari


not without my 自転車

They kidnapped my bike today. Just like that, no warning note hanging from the handle. I was hoping I was wrong and looked through all the bikes, praying I was somehow missing mine. Maybe someone put it somewhere else? Someone really funny -bless them-?

I went 'round the block: nothing. So I went and talk to my friends at the police station and they told me many bikes were taken away that day. The ransom was 4,000 yen. And to think that when they were taking her to that dark and moist place where I found her I was composing a new song walking the streets of Shinagawa! How embarrassing! I hope she will forgive me one day...

As you see I paid straight away, I couldn't wait until those criminals would start sending me bits of her, the back light now, maybe the parking sticker tomorrow, and who knows, they could grow impatient and even send me... no, I can't say it... okay, be strong Gorka... a wheel! No! I couldn't allow that to happen so I went to the jitensha-jail (1) or whatever they call it and rescued her -I call her Shirka, 'cos it belongs to my friend Shirko-. 

As I was paying one of the 3 jailers commented on how expensive the ransom was and all 3 burst into laughs when I said that this week and next one I would only be eating onigiri (2). I cracked them, honestly. There's something about seeing a gaijin (3) suffer that some Japanese really enjoy. 

I suffered two racist attacks on monday -see last entry before this one-. Yesterday I went to the immigration office at Shinagawa and it was closed. Then I went to a karaoke with a friend and felt ripped off but that's only 'cos I didn't understand the system. The feeling was real though. Today somebody raped my ear twice and I went to the immigration office again and realized I had forgotten my passport which I had with me only yesterday. And then my bike it's gone. Also, TLOMLILWAG. Don't wanna be sissy so I'll just let you figure out what that means.

Yes, this is only the last present of a series of not so very nice ones life is trying to pamper me with lately. Might not be the best of times in Tokyo for me right now, but I know it won't last forever and I'm suspecting it all will be coming to terms from April on. Until then...

(1) bycicle
(3) foreigner   

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