'Oinez ikasi orduko, hegan egiten ahantzi' Anari


united colors of torture

I found this picture from long ago today. Putting it on here or not, I gave it much a thought. Basqueland's street walls appeared covered with images of Unai Romano's face one morning back then, and so they remained for many months, but I had the feeling nothing happened on anyone's minds, that people weren't moved by it, as if we Basques were immune to such things because they happen all the time, as if it were just another commercial campaign pretending to be shocking. So I pasted the logo of a company very well known for that kind of campaigns on the picture.

"Unai Romano was arrested in September 1999, and alleged that while he was held in the Civil Guard headquarters he was subjected to electric shocks to his ear-lobes and his testicles.

According to the conclusions in the forensic report, the injuries sustained by Romano "are multiple low-intensity blows to various parts of the head and cannot be justified by a single traumatism, which would have had to be extremely intense". Therefore, a Legal and Forensic Medicine expert ratifies Unai's version of events, whereby he told how he had suffered repeated blows to his head, with varying intensity and from behind.

This medical explanation and the latter statement to the court in order to ratify the contents of his report says: "it is highly unlikely that a voluntary frontal traumatism against a smooth wall, with no soft materials in between may produce a generalised oedema of the whole neurocraneum". The report concludes that "the blows sustained by Unai Romano were dealt from behind, on the sides and upper part of the skull and not on the frontal region".

Copy&pasted from amesty.org (before and after pictures too)

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