'Oinez ikasi orduko, hegan egiten ahantzi' Anari


the crib life

Ah, the crib life...! This is where magic happens, where food mysteriously disappears from your drawer, finished toilet paper rolls reproduce as rabbits, electricity is perennial and where to my surprise, I have only seen one (ONE!) cockroach in the last 5 months.

But it is also one of the few single rooms I can afford within central Tokyo and is way better than the other 2 places I stayed in before. It is called 'Asakusa Crib 2', because there's an 'Asakusa Crib 1' not far away from here, where, by the way, I also lived for some 3 months last year. Basically this house were two different flats I believe, or maybe just a single family house and they made some 20 tiny rooms and convert it into a cheap guesthouse. First floor (groundfloor anywhere else but Japan) is where the common area is, then second and third is where the 'cribs' are. I'm lucky, mine has a window. It faces the building you see on the right. Not much, I know, but it's a window. If only psychologically, it helps, believe me, I lived in a place with no window in Yotsugi 2 years ago, and that's something I don't wanna do again.

All in all, this is what I call home and I will be leaving in a month. And that, my friend, makes me very sad.


guitty said...

Hello! I'd like to rent a room for this summer in Asakusa Crib 1, and I'm looking for people who know what life is like in there.

Is it livable even whith the heat of August?
which one is better, Asakusa 1 or 2?
Do you know if there's a room with a window in Asakusa 1?
Thanks anyway!

forks said...

Hi there!

In my opinion Asakusa 2 is better although Asakusa 1 is more central (5 mins. apart from each other, so not a huge difference anyway).

Asakusa 1 has 4 "rooms" with window but you can't stand up plus the road is busy. Not every room at Asakusa 2 has a window, that's something you have to request.

Both places are gonna be hell in August as there's no air conditioning. You can ask for a fan though, utilities are included.

Another option is Asakusa 3. These are booths, meaning the walls don't go all the way up, but there's air conditioning.

It is dirty cheap tokyowise, but there's obviously a reason for that which is fine if you know in advance: common areas are dirty and walls are thin and therefore noisy.


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