'Oinez ikasi orduko, hegan egiten ahantzi' Anari



So I'm back in Japan although I could as well be back home. The only thing I'm doing in this country is having fun, getting to know it, learning the language... and all that spending my own savings. Yet this is somehow bad.

You can come to Japan for 3 months as a tourist, then you've got to go away. Okay, no prob, that's what I did. I came to this country back in September 2007 on the 26th and left December 18th. I came back on Monday and they almost didn't let me in. The reason? I haven't got a clue, really. And that adds to the fact that now they take both your fingerprints and picture. It is degrading, very upsetting. The immigration officer sent me to a room where another officer started asking me things like why I was coming back and what for.

I like Japan, its people and language, please arrest me. Yes, 3 months is not enough to see everything, even though that's not the case, the case is that I like it here. I've been working -hard or not, that's depending on the day- for the last years and I've taken a year off. Lapidate me. I've got the time and the money to travel around and I like it in Japan. Excomulgate me. Is there anything wrong with that? Apparently there is. The government considers staying too long is not visiting but residing. I showed them my savings account and that was the turning point for them to let me go on with my life, after making a copy of it of course. Disgusting.

Through all the process they were very nice, after all they're Japanese. The second officer said things like "I'm sorry, but I have to ask you" like implyimg it was absurd but he had to. To finish with, when he told me I could go on an enter the country, he recommended me a shorter stay because if not they most likely are not going to let me in a third time.

It is not one world, it isn't, there are governments to remind you it isn't.

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