'Oinez ikasi orduko, hegan egiten ahantzi' Anari


Azken egunak laburbilduz...

I went to Kutchan with Owner on his bus (ther owner of the pension, the Milky House, that's how we all call him) 'cos he needed to buy some stuff. The ground was frozen and so slippery. It is a costant adventure as you never now how long will it take for the stuck bus (or the car for that matter) to get on the way.
We went to a kind of mall with 3 or 4 big stores in it. Inside one of them I found this I already saw in Tokyo. You Barça lovers are going to like it. Guinness sells its beer here in 'blaugrana' stripped boxes with the numbers and names of Barça players. I might buy some for yee... actually I don't think I will, as the beer is the same in Barcelona, I might steal some carton instead.

These people are Fumiko-san, owner of the pension and wife of the Owner, her son Masahiro, Kelly from Hong Kong and co-worker Kayo. Masahiro is studying in Otaru and he came for a visit. The same day Kelly came too, a former pension worker, and then working on the chinese version of the pension's homepage. That same day Kayo started working with us as well. So altogether it was a bit crowded although Michan wasn't here as he was on holidays. So that on the table is a dinner for 6. It is not that's a special occasion, dinner is always like that, not so many dishes usually, just double this time (6 instead of 3 people). Needless to say it was delicious, as always.
On the other hand there's Christmas decoration: indoor fake snow flakes on Christmas tree and outdoor lights. Hard work! They asked about Christmas in Spain (! sometimes the realize and say "your country") and I told them about the three kings but also about home, about Olentzero. I draw a picture of him on the kitchen's board for them to see what Olentzero looks like.

It is all still white, and so it's gonna be until April. We've had a couple of days with no snow, but with temperatures scarcely rising above 0 there's no chance the already fallen snow is going to melt away. Plus it snows almost everyday, from little flakes to really heavy snow. I'll be posting more snowy pics. For the time being I add this pic of the full moon. Of course I couldn't get all the craters with my camera, but it was really close and beautiful.

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