mare de deu // canalla que tira amunt i carregat
La Kylie Minogue i la Colla de Xiquets i Xiquetes de Valls fan el castell més gran de la història: un 100 de 10,000. Tirant per lo baix!
habemus lavatorium // アタラシイといれ
世界独占 KAIの新しいトイレ
歴史的な需要が与えられている。世代世代は、KAIの学生は、1つの事より:新しいトイレを求めていないした。 休日の1週間前には作品を始めて、中期試験時間の間混だから、仲間の学生を心配して、学校はまだ2週間先だが、作品は終了です。アベムスノヴスラヴァトリウム。これは別の質問にもつながる:作品が2週間続く予定された場合で、学校の休暇中は3週間だのに、騒音とか、新しい塗料の中毒とか、なぜそれを避けることができませんでした?
A historical demand has been granted. Generation after generation, Kai students haven't asked for much but one thing: new toilets. A week before holidays the works started, causing disarray among fellow students across the school being as it was right mid-term exams time. School's still two weeks away but, the works are finished. Habemus novus lavatorium. This leads to another question though: why, if the works were scheduled to last for 2 weeks, couldn't they be done during school holidays which last for 3 weeks and avoid all the noise and new-paint intoxications?
Did you notice the nice detail? Blue spray-bottle for the boys, pink for the girls. I didn't venture more into the ladies, sorry, but this is Japan and I don't want to end up in jail. It would be good for my Japanese though...
歴史的な需要が与えられている。世代世代は、KAIの学生は、1つの事より:新しいトイレを求めていないした。 休日の1週間前には作品を始めて、中期試験時間の間混だから、仲間の学生を心配して、学校はまだ2週間先だが、作品は終了です。アベムスノヴスラヴァトリウム。これは別の質問にもつながる:作品が2週間続く予定された場合で、学校の休暇中は3週間だのに、騒音とか、新しい塗料の中毒とか、なぜそれを避けることができませんでした?
What's going on in Tokyo for those of you who are on holidays. I know you regret being on holidays now.
A historical demand has been granted. Generation after generation, Kai students haven't asked for much but one thing: new toilets. A week before holidays the works started, causing disarray among fellow students across the school being as it was right mid-term exams time. School's still two weeks away but, the works are finished. Habemus novus lavatorium. This leads to another question though: why, if the works were scheduled to last for 2 weeks, couldn't they be done during school holidays which last for 3 weeks and avoid all the noise and new-paint intoxications?
Did you notice the nice detail? Blue spray-bottle for the boys, pink for the girls. I didn't venture more into the ladies, sorry, but this is Japan and I don't want to end up in jail. It would be good for my Japanese though...
hometown is...
You know when you love a song so much you want everybody to know about it yet keep it a secret at the same time? Well, 'tis one of those times. I know I'm late, but here you are, this chick Adele and those who remixed her song got me haunted lately. If I happen to be walking the streets of Tokyo and my ipod decides to play this one, the city is mine. I own it.
I'm actually referring to the Night Facilities Remix but as I couldn't find any decent video -didn't try hard either- I'm giving you this. I know there are better videos but this is the only one I could find with the original lyrics. What's wrong with the word 'shit'? Shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit... It's just a word, SHIT!
I'm actually referring to the Night Facilities Remix but as I couldn't find any decent video -didn't try hard either- I'm giving you this. I know there are better videos but this is the only one I could find with the original lyrics. What's wrong with the word 'shit'? Shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit... It's just a word, SHIT!
terroartista // 80
terroartista 2...
terroartista // mandango (egidazu mina)
Terroartista gogoratzen...
Euskaraz irakurtzeko behera jo

Image taken and modified from here.
I come home after work and Facebook kindly greets me with this:
あなたのファンページ「burp! basque underground report」は、Facebookの利用規約に違反していたため、削除されました。Facebookファンページは、ビジネスまたは宣伝の目的で使用するもので、憎悪的、驚異的、またはわいせつな内容は認められません。また、個人やグループを攻撃するようなファンページや、正式な権限を持たない個人によって作成されたファンページも、削除の対象となります。これらの理由により削除されたファンページは、復元できません。Facebook機能の誤用が続くと、アカウントの永久停止処分につながることがありますので、ご注意ください。
Which roughly translated by Google Translate means:
Your fan page "burp! Basque underground report", Facebook, for being in violation of the terms have been removed. Facebook fan page is not intended for use in business or advertising purposes, and hatred, amazing, or obscene content will not be accepted. The fan page or to attack individuals and groups, fan pages created by individuals with no formal authority, are subject to removal. Fan page deleted these reasons can not be restored. Facebook functionality to continue to misuse, it may result in permanent suspension of your account, please note.
Aweful translation, I know, but you get the idea. Well 'burp! Basque underground report' is just an arty farty hooligany TV program -of which you can check videos on YouTube here-. How does creating a fan page for such a program result in a breech of Facebook rules I don't know. How am I 'attacking individuals or groups' or 'promoting hatred or obscence content' is a mystery to me. I'm sure the 1012 fans feel the same. The page is still on -I don't know for how long though- but I can no longer manage it. Have a look here.
This is not the first time this happens. It happened before with another fan page I created, a Joseba Sarrionandia fan page -it had over 800 fans at the time-. Sarrionandia is just a writer. Well, not to Facebook, to Facebook he must be something else, something obscene or attacking whatever they feel he's attacking... free minds?
The worst thing is not this fascist tendency, after all, you can fight the tendency by explaining where or why they are wrong. You can't here, they delete the page, they let you know and that's the end of the story. There is no possible way of contacting them, asking why, where, when did the breech happen. They bomb the place, the turn everything to ashes and they don't even look back. Isn't it the democratic way to investigate first? Ask? Check? No, they shoot and say 'Oh, by the way, we are killing you'. Then they add 'continue to misuse, it may result in permanent suspension of your account'. That is, if I make use of my freedom they will shut down my account.
I can think of worse things.
Lanegun baten ostean etxera heldu eta Facebookek honekin agurtzen nau:
あなたのファンページ「burp! basque underground report」は、Facebookの利用規約に違反していたため、削除されました。Facebookファンページは、ビジネスまたは宣伝の目的で使用するもので、憎悪的、驚異的、またはわいせつな内容は認められません。また、個人やグループを攻撃するようなファンページや、正式な権限を持たない個人によって作成されたファンページも、削除の対象となります。これらの理由により削除されたファンページは、復元できません。Facebook機能の誤用が続くと、アカウントの永久停止処分につながることがありますので、ご注意ください。
Google Translatek hau botatzen du:
Orrialdearen zure fan "BURP! Euskara Underground Report", Facebook, baldintza hausten dituelako ezabatu egin dira. Facebook fan orria ez dago enpresa-edo publizitate-helburuekin erabiltzeko asmoa, eta gorrotoa, amazing, lizunkoia edo edukia ez dira onartuko. The fan Orrialdearen edo pertsonak eta taldeak, fan orrialdeak formal autoridad duten pertsonen sortutako eraso egin direnak, kentzea gaia. Fan Orrialdearen ezabatu arrazoi horiek ez dira leheneratu. Facebook funtzionalitatea nahi gaizki jarraitzeko, zure kontuan, eten iraunkorra izan daiteke emaitza, please note.
Itzulpena ez da batere ona, badakit, baina ulertzen da, ezta? 'burp! Basque underground report' jakingo duzuenez, ETB3ko saio bat da zeinaren bideoak YouTuben ikus ditzakezuen hemen. Holako saio batentzat zale orrialdea sortzeak nolatan Facebookeko arauak hausten dituen ez dut ulertzen. Nola orrialde hau sortzeak 'pertsonak eta taldeak' erasotzen dituen edo 'gorrotoa' eta 'lizunkeria' zabaltzen dudan misterio hutsa da niretzat. Baita beste 1012 zaleentzat ere, ziurrrenik. Orrialdea oraindik ikus daiteke baina jadanik ezin dut kudeatu. Noiz kenduko duten ez dakit baina momentuz hemen ikus daiteke.
Ez da hau gertatzen den lehenengo aldia. Lehen ere gertatu izan zait sortu nuen Joseba Sarrionadiaren orrialde batekin. 800 zaletik gora zituen ezabatu zutenean eta idazle hau lizuna eta ez dakit zeren aurka ersotzaile iruditu zitzaien nonbait Facebookekoei. Azkenengo egunetan Arnaldo Otegirena ere ezabatu dutela agian irakurri duzue komunikabideetan.
Txarrena ez da joera faxista hau, izan ere joerak alda ditzakezu zergatik eta nola okertu diren azalduz. Baina Facebookekin ezinezkoa da hori egitea, orrialdea ezabatu egiten dute, jakinaren gainean jartzen zaituzte eta hor bukatzen da istorioa. Ezinezkoa da haiekin kontaktuan jartzea, ezinezkoa da zergatik, nola euren arauak apurtu dituzun galdetzea. Lekua bonbardatzen dute, dena hauts bihurtu eta ez dute ezta atzera begiratzen. Ez al da jokabide demokratikoa ikerketa egitea? Galdetzea? Egiaztatzea? Ez, tirokatu egiten dute eta gero esan 'Oh, bide batez, hil zaitugu'. Gero honako hau gehitzen dute (Google translatek euskaratua): 'Facebook funtzionalitatea nahi gaizki jarraitzeko, zure kontuan, eten iraunkorra izan daiteke emaitza'. Hots, nire askatasuna erabiltzen jarraitzen badut kontua itxiko didatela.
Gauza okerragorik badago.
Intervention in the streets of Tokyo. Modified political campaign poster on official election propaganda boards.
Posters were placed on space no. 5 on official election propaganda boards in various locations around Kita-ku and Arakawa-ku between 5 and 6 AM and removed a few hours later. Lack of financial as well as human resources didn’t make a broader and potentially more effective intervention possible. Maybe next election?
Posters were placed on space no. 5 on official election propaganda boards in various locations around Kita-ku and Arakawa-ku between 5 and 6 AM and removed a few hours later. Lack of financial as well as human resources didn’t make a broader and potentially more effective intervention possible. Maybe next election?
Japan is a country with a very little immigration flow. And yet in the Japanese society, the idea of too many immigrants arriving and settling in is taking hold. However, statistically, Japan hardly does get any immigration, especially when compared to the rest of the industrialized countries. The outcry towards the conservation of traditional values, supposedly threaten by foreigners coming to Japan, towards keeping Japan Japanese and for the Japanese is, in some cases, almost hysterical. The struggle of the most concerned, the right-wingers driving through Tokyo in Japanese flagged black vans, is undertaken in western black suits and western black ties, which makes it funny, almost surreal, if not pathetic.
The government contributes to the idea of the 'bad gaijin*' with laws that imply the foreigner is a potential criminal, i.e., picture and fingerprints taken at airports or third generation Koreans, descendants of those kidnapped and forced to come to Japan and work as slaves, not being considered citizens and therefore not being able to take part in any election process let alone vote. The media, collaborates with these laws either by not talking about them or endorsing them with passion. The police ask to show their ID to anyone who does not look Japanese in the streets when not rioting into student guest houses. All this adds up to the idea that Japan does not welcome foreigners, and yet, there’s a big contradiction, as many Japanese love anything foreign and Japanese society itself is most welcoming. At least at first.
The 日本の外国人党 (Nihon no Gaikokujin To or Japan’s Foreigners’ Party) does not exist, but it could very well do, as it may be necessary. Such a party is rare in other industrialised countries, true, but that’s maybe because it is perfectly legal there. If other industrialised countries would do the same Japan does with their foreign residents, there would be no Kurdish and Turkish MPs in the German Reichstag, no black ministers in France, no presidents with non-Basque and non-Catalan origins in Basqueland and Catalonia... There wouldn’t even be a Sarkozy, whose father is Hungarian! Didn’t we all agree racism is bad? Isn’t it politically incorrect to be openly racist also in Japan? Well these laws are racist.
The日本の外国人党 does not exist then, but its candidate does. His name is Heinz-Christian Strache and he is the president of the openly racist neo-Nazi FPÖ (Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs). Just thought it ironic that if for any reason someone like him would come to Japan, he would be in the very same situation he wants to put foreign people through in his country, Austria.
The message of this intervention is, as well as its staging, simple. The poster was taken from the original FPÖ campaign on their website, the original design maintained and new mottos related to Japan and its foreign residents were added. The almost childish in its evidence, populist if you want to and therefore not easy to contradict はい!外国人も人間です (Yes! Foreigners are also Human Beings), and the more political and related to the current injustice/tragedy people who are Japanese but not considered to be are living, (sometimes even by themselves): 平等な権利 (Equal Rights). The name of the candidate appears written in katakana.
*gaijin is slang for foreigner
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