'Oinez ikasi orduko, hegan egiten ahantzi' Anari


street signs

Is there a girl gang patrolling the streets of Tokyo? Is this how they mark their territory? Or is it a feminist statement, just like when some women started their campaing against bras in the 60s, cutting them, burning them up in LSD soaked akelarres? If so, are we to expect more of these pads, tampons even, stuck in the streets of Tokyo? Is this the start of something bigger, a revolution? Or is it both, a feminist gang, a gang with a political stand? If so, who are they marking their territory against? And how does the other gang mark their territory if there is one? Is it a message? To whom? 

I have to confess I did feel kind of unsafe when I encontered these signs near the immigration office in Shinagawa. Then I thought it was genius. Have these anti-pad activists the power to regulate their bodies? Can they really control their menstrual cycle as to make it disappear? Or have some women gone estrous cycle instead? Is this scientifically possible? A mutation? Evolution? Did Darwin say anything about this? Is it in what we are eating? Or maybe this is just a woman who started using cloth menstrual pads or moons cups and keepers instead and didn't know what to do with the old pads she had at home... 

Menopause is also to be taken into consideration, if only as an hypothesis. But then again, why go all the way and stick these two pads on this certain pole at this certain baseball pitch? Why take the effort? To scare the children? Are we talking about some sick mind here? It has to be out of conviction, she/they had to have a message to deliver to the world. It would be not only a feminist one but also an ecological one.

The two pads being different would mean also some sort of communication is going on. Perhaps two different gangs are saying 'from the pole to the left this is my territory' -which would mean all the way to Chiba including Tokyo Bay and most importantly, Disneyland, which the smaller gang would be trying to protect from the big gang who would be for Japanese anime and against American cartoon imperialism, or, in the small gang's eyes, trying to destroy freedom and infant fantasy- and 'from the pole to the right, mine' -that is all the way to the Japan Sea, including whatever there is there-. In that case, the bigger pad gang would have a bigger portion of territory to look after, which would make the difference in size of the two pads understandable, by the way. 

If it's only Tokyo we are talking about here and if this would be the not only symbolic but also physical border between these two sanitary gangs' territories, then maybe it would mean the gang with the big pad is taking over the city -some kind of insatiable Roman empire- and the gang with the small pad is struggling to survive -Asterix, Obelix, Panoramix and all of them and their village with the Atlantic Ocean, the bay in this case, as their only rearguard-. David against Goliath.

Or it could be just some kids playing around. That would include a street art activist too. Whatever lies behind this, whatever the phenomena is, I'd like to know. Don't you?

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