'Oinez ikasi orduko, hegan egiten ahantzi' Anari


coming through

I know it doesn't look much like a scary alley but, I don't know wether I would dare. Maybe I already did and I can't come through. Maybe I'm stuck. Or maybe I'm not, maybe I'm already on the other side. 

Some people make plans, I dream scenarios. That is, even in my wildest pictures of the future I am fully conscious of them being as consistent as air. Side note, the most important things in life are not consistent. 

So of course I do get upset sometimes, but I don't go all crazy about something that just didn't happen or takes long to happen or happens not quite the way I thought it would. 

Sometimes I wish I wasn't this cold, I wish I could lose it and make a movie of my life. But not really, that's just not me. I'm Mr Cool, Mr Itsalright. 

I think it nice and beautiful when someone is externally passionate though, even beyond embarrasment but, that's not me.

Or am I being externally passionate just right now?

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