'Oinez ikasi orduko, hegan egiten ahantzi' Anari


bat/1, bi/2, hiru/3

-Can you see Robben Island from here? People are talking about Madiba lately. 

-Not long ago he was a terrorist, he's a world leader now, an inspiration to millions, who, by the way, arrived a bit late but, welcome. 

-They say is never too late... It's 20 years since the Apartheid regime saw themselves forced to free him and everybody (everybody?) is celebrating in South Africa and around the world. 

-Even many who wouldn't 20 years ago.

I have so much faith in this country and I so wish a more rational management of the Black Economic Empowerment Act... Would Mandela do as Zuma? I don't think so but, we'll never know.


ez txirulik jo

I play this blue transparent flute in my last song, "Karaoke". I've no idea how, you know I can't play a flute -or any other instrument, for that matter- but, lifting a finger there, blocking this hole here, I managed to play the chorus just after getting it from the 100円ショップ. It goes "We'll sing Bublé, we'll sing Queen and all the songs in between. Won't you come sing with me? I'll pretend some random-meets mornings by coffee machines 'til you come sing with me". 


coming through

I know it doesn't look much like a scary alley but, I don't know wether I would dare. Maybe I already did and I can't come through. Maybe I'm stuck. Or maybe I'm not, maybe I'm already on the other side. 

Some people make plans, I dream scenarios. That is, even in my wildest pictures of the future I am fully conscious of them being as consistent as air. Side note, the most important things in life are not consistent. 

So of course I do get upset sometimes, but I don't go all crazy about something that just didn't happen or takes long to happen or happens not quite the way I thought it would. 

Sometimes I wish I wasn't this cold, I wish I could lose it and make a movie of my life. But not really, that's just not me. I'm Mr Cool, Mr Itsalright. 

I think it nice and beautiful when someone is externally passionate though, even beyond embarrasment but, that's not me.

Or am I being externally passionate just right now?


A: Why are you bringing bento everyday? B: So that I can pay for my taxi when I oversleep on the Yamanote line.

Els taxistes de Tòkio, segons la meva experiència, no portan la Cope, evidentment, és més, no portan cap emisora, perquè no porten soroll. Però si que parlen, i molts parlen anglès, francès, alemany, castellà...

El dia que un taxista a Barcelona em parli res que no sigui castellà, li faig un petó. A la boca

Avui hi neva una altra vegada. És dia de menjar quelcom així:


some people

Some people seem to be bound to commit the same mistake over and over again. You'd like to help them, open their eyes but, the thing is that their eyes are wide open. They're wrong and they know it but, do they care? I don't know. Do I care? I wish I didn't. 

Erm, excuse me, I think this way's the way... 
Oh yeah, I know but, I rather this one. 
But they're gonna burst your face with an iron bar, gang rape you and then skin you if you go that way. 
I knowww... It sucks, doesn't it? I suck...
Then go the other bloody way? 
That way? Where the hugs are? Where the respect is? Where the love is? 
Wouldn't it be nice? But no, that's not my way. Iron bars, bunch raping and skinning is what's in store for me... 
You want that? 
Of course not! But I belong to that group of people you mentioned in your first sentence. 
You know you can change that. 
I know I could. 
Well do! 
Nah, something is telling me I deserve nothing but pain. 
I think you don't. 
I think you're very sweet. 
Is there anything I can do or say for you to change your mind? 
Absolutely nothing, darling.
You can shove it up your arse then.
That's exactly what I'm gonna do.

No pic/video/illustration today.


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