'Oinez ikasi orduko, hegan egiten ahantzi' Anari


lift conversations

People don't usually talk in the lift unless they refer to the floor they're aiming for or excuse themselves while squeezing out of a packed one. If we have a chatty day or the uneasy feeling we should make a comment, we rarely venture beyond the weather, that worn out wildcard. Well sometimes we do. This is what just happened to me at the Kanagawa Community Centre in Yokohama.

Doors slide open and a dressed-up old man comes into the lift pulling a suitcase. Doors slide closed and he turns to me and starts this conversation in a surprisingly good English:

-How you doing?
-Fine -I reply rather amused at the unexpected question and accent-. How about you?
-I'm leaving the country because I am contaminated.
-Oh... okay...
-You take care, you know, everything is radioactive.
-Thank you.

Doors slide open, he walks out of the lift and I follow.

-Well, good luck -I manage to say-.
-Yeah -he says-, you too.



re-edition of 'jan niemand pozik dago'ren berargitaralpena


1.     Ezerren Jabe
2.     Ez Dut Zertan Ezer Esan Behar
3.     -
4.     Z(e)(u)rekin
5.     Gaur Bakarrik Sentitu Naiz
6.     Gaur Alboan
7.     Euria Hasi Zuenean
8.     Ez Gara Helduko Orduan
9.     Musika
10.    Pozik

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